Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Rain, Rain Go AWAY!

Hi, I am Ben. As you can see from previous posts (and the title) we have had lots of rain. I never saw this much rain in any other state, except on tv. In addition to being wet it is cold. Not quite snow cold though. I don't have pictures so you will have to use your imagination. Every where you turn your head you see water. It is not piled high, but it is wet enough to make things dangerous. I enjoy walking outside on days that are dry. Today it is wet and cool. As you probably know we just celebrated our Thanksgiving holiday. It is a time when we give thanks for what God has given us. Christmas is so close that I tend to not be as thankful, but I am thankful for my family and friends. Although there is so much rain I will try to be thankful I have clean water. Many places even in America do not have clean, running water. God has blessed us with what we don't deserve and I am thankful!
Your Friend Ben!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

This is Tyler, and the weather lately has been very unusually warm and sunny. Except for today which has been very cold and cloudy. But right now the cold front is coming in from the north and it is spinning around Arkansas, but it is staying in the same place. The front is reaching from Michigan to Arkansas. In school related business we had a basketball game and we are undefeated 3-0 only for the Senior High boys team.

This is blake now lately the weather has been very wierd because one day it will be
hot then the next day it will be freezing cold and rainy its very wierd. The weather hasnt been that interesting um let me see...... its been freezing cold it was warm up until sunday.
um yay..........

Friday, November 6, 2009

Break From the Rain and Red Ribbon Week!!!

Hi! I am Tayler. If you read last weeks post you know we had a little bit of flooding and a lot of rain. We also had some wind damage, which they classified as a tornado. After the rain and flooding we finally got some sunshine, and it feels really good even though in the morning it is a little cold. When we get sunshine in the middle of the winter it feels really great. We are supposed to be rain free for about 2 weeks (hopefully :) )

Following the rain we held a red ribbon week at our school. We had to wear a ribbon everyday this week and if you had your ribbon on when they called out names you got to go to the office and win a prize. We got to wear red shirts on Wednesday and we also got to make a poster for our classes. On Thursday we got to sign pledge cards stating that we were drug free and on Friday we released red balloons showing we were all drug free. Being drug free is a big part of you life.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Rain Rain Go Away

Hello it is Cody and Kj. Last week in Arkansas ,we were pouring down rain. its been flooding lately around Arkansas alot. I cant wait for the sun to come up hopefully. October 26 through 28 its been raining so much in the last 2 days we were flooding many houses were being flooded and worse it seems a tornado came through Camden and White Hall and a little bit of Pine Bluff. the Church First Assembly of God had alot of wind damage the steeple was torn down and Cody's backyard was flooded.

That is our post enjoy!!!!!!!!!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Storms and flooding in Pine Bluff!

A flooded park

A road leading out of a subdivision

Another flooded road

This church lost its steeple and carport!

The last two days of rain and wind have set rivers over their banks, bayous flooding into streets and houses and churches losing roofs and carports!

This is Mrs. Young reporting for the weather this week. The reason I am reporting is today school was closed due to wind and rain damage to our building. Since the students were supposed to report today, I am filling in and they will resume next week.

Currently we have received 28.58 cm of rain for October, and 190.5 cm of rain for the year! Both of these break the old records on file. Our average for Otober is 10.2 cm and our average for the year is 101.6 cm, a huge difference! Next week predicts sunny weather and we are looking forward to drying out!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Rain, Rain, And Deer hunting!

Courtney-Randy-Arkansas seriously has some weather issues, one day the sun is shining, and then the next couple days it isn't. We have had some flooding, the rivers are very high, and the levies aren't going to hold up much longer. And it is deer hunting season(muzzelloader). Rain is kind of bad for guns because your barrel on the gun could rust and then the power from the gun will make the barrel be ruined.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Let's Visit The Pumpkin Patch =D

We love pumpkins from Hardin Farm's famous Pumpkin Patch! The Pumpkin Patch is held every year beginning the first of October and closing to the end of October. They have schools and families come visit them from all over the state and even some from out of state! Hardin Farms grows over 60 acres of squash and pumpkin each year!!! The Pumpkin Patch is open during the week for school tours and open to the public on the weekends. Some fun things to do at the Pumpkin Patch are: hayrides to the patch, a corn maze, farm animal exhibits, goat walk in the sky, a haunted house, Native American Indian village & Pioneer cabin, painted pumpkins and crafts, face painting, and pumpkin patch store. So no matter what age you are, you’re sure to enjoy any day our Pumpkin Patch! =D

~~Tatiana And Becca~~

P.S.: The weather so far has been the same as the previous blogs. Lots of rain, but it's clearing up... hopefully....

Mr. Hardin Front of the Pumpkin Patch

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Farmer's Digest

Hey:) Our names are Rebecca and Lindsey!! Here in Pine Bluff, Arkansas, it's been pretty rainy. When it's not raining or thunder-storming, it's just plain cold and cloudy. Cold for us is about anywhere between 50 and 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Here in Arkansas, we are just now getting in to the Fall season. We are just getting introduced to the low temperatures, so we should have all of our Spring and Summer crops in.

At this time of year, the farmers should be bringing in their crops. Because of all the rain, the farmers cannot bring their crops in. They can't bring them in until the weather clears up and the ground is dry. This has been a rough time for farmers who had not already brought their crops in before the rain. Farmers can only hope that the weather will get better before their crops are totally ruined.

Friday, October 2, 2009

By Micah Cottrell and Shawn Evans

Hi. Last night we had a big storm come through. The wind was blowing pretty hard, the rain pouring down. It was pretty bad last night. I play golf and it was not to bad while I was on the course.

We have deer down here and big ones too. Our bow season just opened yesterday. The deer like to move late at night. We have a game camera out behind our house. As you can see that picture was taken before the storm. It is a young buck (spike 2 horns). A good hunter would let that deer go. You should let that deer mature and get bigger horns.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Fall – A Beautiful Time of the Year

By: Mary Jane Lytle and Lauren Box

Fall officially starts September 21, but in Southeast Arkansas we don’t usually get cool weather until mid-October. We usually don’t have a very wet fall, but this year seems to be a little different. Even the leaves have started to fall a little bit. The beginning of fall in Southeast Arkansas sparks the excitement of hunters here, also. We already have dove, Blue Wing Teal, and squirrel seasons. October 1st starts the beginning of bow hunting, which is for deer. Later, closer to winter, duck season will begin.

We had a cooler than usual summer here, but now the warm weather has come back just when it is supposed to become cooler! The harvesting has also been a little slower here, too. Due to frequent, heavy spring rains, crops were flooded and had to be replanted. Normally, everything would be harvested by now, but it’s almost all done. We usually have a very dry fall, so our trees would lose their leaves sooner. Since everything is still so green, we are looking forward to a fall filled with beautiful, brilliant colors.

Fall in Pine Bluff brings laughter, fun, and all sorts of exciting activities. One of many fun activities are the county fairs. Pine Bluff is located in Jefferson County, and we have a county fair annually. I don't usually go to the county fair I go to the state fair(by the way my name is Lauren). The county fair has many attractions but not as many as the state fair. As I said fall is full of laughter, like Halloween. Halloween is full of fun, and sweet treats. I personally love to see all the little kids (and some older kids too) dress up in their costumes. It is so much fun to see them go around, ring doorbells, and yell “TRICK OR TREAT”.

With the coming fall season as does football season (which is also a personal favorite). Our team mascot is the razorback which looks like a wild hog (see picture below (picture 1)) and many people gather at the various stadiums located throughout the state when they think it is going to be a good game (also see picture below(picture 2)). As I mentioned before another one of the fun things to do in the fall is the state fair. They have everything from funnel cakes to the ferris wheel. I love going to the state fair with my family we always share love and laughter there, it is one of the many family fun attractions that come with fall. So, that is what usually goes on in the fall in Arkansas.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Welcome to Ridgway Christian School's Earth Science Class!

Welcome to Ridgway Christian School's Earth Science Class Blog! We are located in Pine Bluff, Arkansas and will be posting on this site weekly until the end of the school year. We will be talking about such things as local weather, flora and fauna, local agriculture, geological information and even the local food preferences about our area. Each week a 'team' of two students will be posting for the week. We will be working in tandem with Frau Anna Heyne-Murdrich's class at Gymnasium SchloB Newhaus in Paderborn, Germany. We are excited to share information about our two different areas and countries! We will be asking questions about their area and they us! We plan to learn and have fun!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

welcome to the Arkansas-German weather blog

Welcome to the joint venture weather blog between Ridgway Christian School and A school in Paderborn, Germany.
It is our hope that our two schools can learn from each other as we compare our different weather patterns throughout the schoo year!