Tuesday, November 17, 2009

This is Tyler, and the weather lately has been very unusually warm and sunny. Except for today which has been very cold and cloudy. But right now the cold front is coming in from the north and it is spinning around Arkansas, but it is staying in the same place. The front is reaching from Michigan to Arkansas. In school related business we had a basketball game and we are undefeated 3-0 only for the Senior High boys team.

This is blake now lately the weather has been very wierd because one day it will be
hot then the next day it will be freezing cold and rainy its very wierd. The weather hasnt been that interesting um let me see...... its been freezing cold it was warm up until sunday.
um yay..........

Friday, November 6, 2009

Break From the Rain and Red Ribbon Week!!!

Hi! I am Tayler. If you read last weeks post you know we had a little bit of flooding and a lot of rain. We also had some wind damage, which they classified as a tornado. After the rain and flooding we finally got some sunshine, and it feels really good even though in the morning it is a little cold. When we get sunshine in the middle of the winter it feels really great. We are supposed to be rain free for about 2 weeks (hopefully :) )

Following the rain we held a red ribbon week at our school. We had to wear a ribbon everyday this week and if you had your ribbon on when they called out names you got to go to the office and win a prize. We got to wear red shirts on Wednesday and we also got to make a poster for our classes. On Thursday we got to sign pledge cards stating that we were drug free and on Friday we released red balloons showing we were all drug free. Being drug free is a big part of you life.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Rain Rain Go Away

Hello it is Cody and Kj. Last week in Arkansas ,we were pouring down rain. its been flooding lately around Arkansas alot. I cant wait for the sun to come up hopefully. October 26 through 28 its been raining so much in the last 2 days we were flooding many houses were being flooded and worse it seems a tornado came through Camden and White Hall and a little bit of Pine Bluff. the Church First Assembly of God had alot of wind damage the steeple was torn down and Cody's backyard was flooded.

That is our post enjoy!!!!!!!!!