Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Big Storms

A few days a go we had several cells come through. Normally we have squall line in stead of different cells. Some of the cells became violent; like tornado producing storms. I think White county was hit with a tornado. There were four confirmed tornadoes. To be exact there was two tornadoes in White and like two in Pulaski county. If it was just a squall line there may not have been so many tornadoes. At the end of cells there are tornado and there was like three or four cells. And there was like three or four tornadoes. There was one confirmed death.

Thursday, March 4, 2010


By: Mary Jane Lytle and Lauren Box
Whew! It's finally March! (At least on the calendar) We are still having cool wintery weather! Hopefully this weekend we will get our expected Spring weather. Thankfully it has been sunny, though. Around here, Spring brings a lot of happiness. Spring Break! Our school has its spring break in 2 weeks. We are all getting very excited. Spring officially starts March 21, but we are still excited every year to see the sun shining and to welcome the Spring months (even though they might be a little chilly still). Thank you and have a wonderful day!