Wednesday, November 3, 2010

fall festival

hello this is chance and tanner. a couple weeks ago we had a fall festival. it was really cool. we had caremel apples and funnel cakes. it wasreally good. next week we will be out for thanksgiving break. that will be really fun. in a month from now we will be out for christmas break. that will be even better. we had a science test today it was hard. even though it was only fifteen questions.
we have started the science fair which is not easy to me.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Hi, this is Gabe & Lynde(: We have recently been in a burn ban for 3 months, and we just got out of it like 2 or 3 days ago. We have gotten a lot of rain in the past few days. And as of now, it is fall, but it feels like winter! Haha(: This Saturday we are going to go through a time change. We go back an hour, which means we get another hour of sleep! Yay(: Another cool thing we did recently, we made a garden out in the field by our school. The bad thing is we think the deer ate all our broccoli. We are sad:(. Welp, goodbye for now!! Until next time, this is Gabe & Lynde(: